It is argued that eyes are the window to one’s soul. It may also be said that garage doors are the windows to the soul of the home. Indeed, it is the garage door that will give those passing by your home a clue about yourself, your home, and it will either add value to your home or subtract from its value. It will also tip off potential criminals as to your views on home security. Style, comfort, and statement are what you should keep in mind when choosing your garage door.
Many people start out thinking their garage is only going to house their car. However, some thought should be spared for the future of the home. Perhaps, at some later date, the garage may be needed as a workshop, or an extra room.
Things to Consider When Choosing a Garage Door:
When choosing your garage door, it is easier to start with a garage door that is insulated, rather than try to add insulation at a later date. If you plan to use your garage as a workshop or extra room, you will want a garage door with the highest R-value you can find. An R-value of 10 will probably be as high you need, although there have been some doors that have come with a 60 rating. An R-value is the building industry’s measure of thermal resistance.
People do not often consider adding windows to their garage doors. Double-paned windows, however, are an excellent way of allowing additional light into the garage while keeping extreme temperatures at bay. Curb appeal is a major consideration when choosing your garage door, and using long, raised panels is an ideal choice for attractive garage doors. In simple language, long, raised panels are 3-D panels, and the effect is heightened when paints with sharp contrasts in color are used for the trim.
While people often don’t think too much about their garage doors, they care a great deal about what is beyond those doors. A strong, well-maintained garage door that is shut and locked, tells anybody casing the neighborhood that they need to move on to another house. Speaking of security, it is important to note that if you are going to install an automatic garage door, that you do not do so yourself. This is because of the extreme torque of these doors. Any mistake on your part could be tragic. Make sure to have an expert install your automatic garage door. Not only is a good garage door a window to the soul of the home, it is a sentry against trespassers, a welcoming gate to friends, and an asset to your property value.
Follow Parker Garage Doors on Facebook to learn more about residential garage door service and repair in Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria, Chandler, Tempe and Valley WIde.