Carports are convenient for providing some form of shelter for your car, but a garage will provide a greater level of protection, not only for your vehicle for you as a home owner when you enter and exit your home. A fully enclosed garage increases the value of a home and garages are more desired by home buyers over carports. Converting your carport into a garage is a wise investment whether you plan to keep your home or sell in the near future. Having a garage will protect your car from all kinds of weather as well as theft and vandalism. A garage will also provide storage for other items such as garden tools and sports equipment, which is an added benefit that a carport cannot offer. When deciding to make the change from carport to garage, there are certain aspects to consider.
The first step is to find a reputable contractor to ensure the work is completed properly, and that you will realize the desired results. The contractor will secure the proper permits and will be familiar with local zoning laws. Correct measurements must be taken, and the carport inspected to decide how much extra structural support you will need. The contractor will coordinate the builders, electrician, drywall installers, painters and someone to pour the concrete. One of the most important parts of finishing the garage is installing the garage door.
Choosing the Right Garage Door
A great variety of garage doors exist and care must be taken to select the perfect door that will match the exterior of the home, meet possible HOA requirements and give the security, protection and convenience you are looking for. Together with your garage door service and repair technician you will want to discuss items such as the look of the door, how the garage is accessed, what you will be using the new garage for and whether you want to key pad or smart phone control of the door. You will also want to discuss if the door is insulated, has windows or other decorative features to enhance the curb appeal of your home.
The team at Parker Garage Doors, based in Phoenix, Arizona can show you a variety of doors including:
Steel Doors –
When it comes to ULTIMATE PROTECTION, the Olympus stands tall. With triple-layer construction, a thermal break seal, and a superior insulation R-value of 15.67*, you get the greatest in energy efficiency. Eleven designs and 4 Colors to choose from.
Composite Doors –
The old world reinvented. You get the charm from doors made with resilient, wood composite technology. Recycled wood fibers and environmentally friendly resins, create a warm old world look with new world performance
Wood Garage Doors –
Subtly different and distinctively you- Amarr’s Biltmore Collection offers six distinctive looks inspired by America’s
largest home. Charming wood doors with uncompromised craftsmanship give a sophistication and inviting look as seen in America’s best homes.
In short, converting your carport into a garage is a matter of good planning and hiring reputable professionals will make sure you get full enjoyment of your garage for many years to come. The team at is ready to help you plan your new garage!